Sunday, November 29, 2009

just shits and stuffs

after moving to malaysia, i feel something is wrong and now i know it....i became so melancholic....WTF!! and someone said to me the same thing ( and there goes another WTF )

so...right now i'm trying to get back to which i was supposed to be....and i started that with cutting my f-ing long long long hair and now, my hair is way too short.....but whatever, it's just the hair, it will grow long again....i hope

anyway i can't wait for the christmas and new year....why i can't wait for it?

because that means earth is 1 year closer to apocalypse.....huahahahahaha (evil laugh)

just kidding....

but seriously....tee hee
sorry nigahiga...i used your funny idiotic

Thursday, November 26, 2009

what friends are for

Are there certain friends you turn to when you have a problem or need to be listened to? Think about this:
— Are they compassionate, understanding and nurturing?
— Are they totally present, giving you their undivided attention?
— Do they try to solve your problems for you or do they help you to get clarity so that you can solve your own problems?
— Do they let you talk until you're done?
Chances are the people you turn to for support and understanding are good listeners. You can develop these qualities as well and take them even deeper into "essence understanding" through mastering deep heart listening.

please re consider about things above before you let someone become your friend......because i don't want anymore people become like me and my bastard ex-friend situation

Saturday, November 7, 2009


my dad just bought me a new guitar......and price is.........2 million's so crazy and i didn't ask him to buy i don't now wether i should be happy or sad......


there's a saying in the bible like this "knock the door and you will get it"....and my situation right now is probably like that right now.....
i'm still confused between to chose multimedia or to chose animation......and i have pretty much excuse for being confused afraid and stuffs like this.....first, i can't draw but if i chose animation that means i have to draw 700 good pics every week......and if i chose multimedia, i'm not sure wether i can do it or not because i don't really like editing film and things like that.....but last thursday, i was invited by someone to go to his flat to eat nandos (FOR FREE WHEEEE....LOL) and when i went to his room i remembered that this guy is in animation i asked him some questions like "is it necessary to able to draw excellent picture?" and stuffs like that.....but somehow his answer are like wise men......first, he showed me a video about pixar studio and then he showed me his drawing before he entered animation study and asked me "do you think this picture is good???" and then he showed me some drawings that he made lately...... i feel like there's a lot of improvement..... and now i have a little dream because of him...i want to enter animation, make good pics and then become a good animator.....that's how i'm going to repay him....and maybe one day i'll treat him some nandos hehehehe

Monday, November 2, 2009

the very expensive fun..... usual...i was coming to my campus just to do nothing but final project....and that was sucks.......first event in the morning, the art shop in my campus didn't sell any canvas...and then we supposedly have to go to the nearest art shop but my friend said "sorrry man, i don't go by bus.....i only want to go there if there is a car" and i was speechless couldn't say anything.....okay lah~~, and because of that we asked two person of my group to go to that nearest art shop....and my friend still said something like this-->"if they come late and don't have the canvas, i will beat them to pulp man.....i'm sure i can beat those two"....and i was thinking, what's with this retarded man, remember you are the one who asked them to go and yet that's how you show your gratitude.....wew, i wonder if your mom was a gorilla...

luckily....they both came with the my heart i was both of you are lucky....really lucky LOL....And the fun started just after the canvas came....we make grafitti on that RM100+10 canvas.....and i was like wooooooohooooo (so nigahiga LOL).....



this last 2 weeks....i've been working on my final projects.....
it's not really hard to do actually but it's just really really hard to do.....can you imagine how hard is it to draw petronas twin tower on A2 size paper ad have to add the details too......i really want to bomb petronas right now so i don't have to draw that fucking building again in the future.....but of course that's just a joke.....hehehehe

and the other thing i have to do for the final Project is to make a drawing based on a field trip to Bali island which was very expensive.....1800rm for a week right there.....i can go there from my hometown for only 500 rm....and have lots of fun already......
back to the final project.....we were supposed to make a drawing on a 4feet x 4feet canvas......and until right group haven't done a thing on the canvas while the due is only 2 weeks again....wew....i wish o could stop the time...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

MY CHINESE NAME....^^ friend tell me something that has been on my mind for a while.....which is the meaning of my chinese name ->吴宏生......i've been thinking about that because i heard that some people in china give their children ridiculous name such as pig or cow something like that....

so today i just know the emaning of my name....and the meaning is..........gracious, great and something like that....and it really really really made my day so bright because sometimes when i was thinking about my name i always become so curious and start my mood starts to become so gloomy...strange huh....LOL

and one last sister was grandpa is a really good name giver hahahahahaha

Monday, October 12, 2009

people do change....

after high school means a lot of things for each person.....some thinks that this is the time to pursue higher education level aka university...some thinks that it is the time to just settle down and marry someone....there are also who thinks that after high school is the time when i have to work to help my parents.......

though i know that, i still feels kinda awkward with my friends' decision to just marry or go to mind still stuck with the same stereotype most people think which is continue to study at feels weird to know that one of my friends is already married and already have a child....or to find out that my friend already went to america to go to work.....I just can't stop thinking about it...what is it that makes them take that decision?? i just can't understand....

is it because of me that too stupid to realize that life that each person take is not the same...or is it that my mind is just too simple to think about something like that....i wonder what my friends think about it...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

another sad story

just now i saw my friend's note......she was my classmate when i we were still at the elementary school....her mother is one of the teacher at my school that time....back to the note, i read it from the start to the end of it and when i realize i already shed my tears a that note she stated that her mom died 3 october 2009 ago.....

then i started to think....right now she already open a boutique store and still can laugh with her friend....i wonder if i can be like that as well when i lose someone that i really love so much than my own self... I wonder wether there would be someone who cheer me up.....

Monday, September 28, 2009

cooking papa....????

lately, i really suffer from the most hated kind of disease......
this disease is SHORT OF MONEY.......which for me is the worst thing that i really wish to happen....
so, after living my life like a poor man not eating 2 days straight....i finally decided

it's kinda depressing....for only able to cook indomie and popmie....but yesterday i made something beyond my imagination......i cooked a fried chicken hahahahaha

i know it sounds stupid......everybody can make that......but not for me who anly can make indomie

Thursday, September 17, 2009


ntah kenapa.....akhir2 ini kok jadi keranjingan liatin si michishige sayumi ama tanak reina y.......padahal dulu kalo dsuruh liat momusu aja g maw g maw beneran.....sialan....ternyata org2 itu kok bisa ayuuuuuuuuu buanget gt to......udah gt lucu gt....agak tolol jg....hahahahaha

so....doo u like momusu???

Saturday, September 12, 2009

look how big my parent's love to me

first thing, i want to say thank you to God for such a wonderful parents
i want to say thank you for their love and their patient for me

pagi2 td aq liat video tentang dick hoyt n rick anak, rick hoyt karena suatu kejadian dia jd cacat, nda bisa jalan nda bisa ngomong sampe ada sebuah alat yang membantu dia ngomong lwt sebuah laptop......suatu hari dia ingin ikut omba marathon. Si ayah, dick hoyt, karena ingin membuat anaknya senang, ikut dalam lomba marathon bahkan trialthon....sungguh sebuah kasih orang tua yg sangat besar.....
gara2 liat 2 org itu, aq jd inget sama papa mama d indo.....di hari ultah q mereka telp aq pagi2 cuma buat bilang selamet ultah....meski kecil tp sangat berarti besar buat g pernah merasa sebahagia ini hanya dari sebuah ucapan selamat ultah....i love both of them....i love thm more than anything else in this world....and someday when i become a dad, i want to be like my father and like dick hoyt....i promise...though i can't promise that i can provide richness, but i can promise that i will give my children love...from the bottom of my heart. forever....

PS happy b'day to me.....and my parents and hoyt team, you're my inspiration...

Friday, September 11, 2009

GF or just friend

just now, i saw my friend's blog....because he said to me
"just see it pls....then tell me what u think", pendek kata aq baca deh...

stlh aq baca ternyata itu tuh isine opoo kok dia bisa sampe putus sama pacar e
mereka putus katanya karena si cew nya tuh egois bgt...minta dijemput lah, minta dianterin lah
gt lah menurut yg gua baca....but somehow, i can feel what he felt that time....masio aq g pernah pacaran seh....
aq pertama e agak g percaya, aq, soale waktu aq pernah pergi bareng temen2 aq yg kebetulan ternyata ada si cew nya temen aq itu, aq ngerasa cew ini baek kok, malah aq isa bilang tipe aq bgt (bukan berarti aq maw ngerebut pacar temen aq seeeeeeh) tp ternyata kata temen aq dia berubah sejak mereka mulai, are all girls in the world like that. iding their true self just to get the attention from the boys??? or is it just her...

jujur sih waktu liat mereka berdua waktu masih cuma sekedar temen, aq seneng liat e....belum pernah aq liat hub pertemanan antara dua insan yg berbeda sebegitu dekat nya......but then she changed....kind a dissapointed sih.....sbab aq pernah sih suka ma dia walau tak lama sbab g lama dia jadian ama temen aq itu...

so right now, i'm confused because i am currently really want to approached a certain girl which have almost the same personality as my friend's exGF....kinda confused lah...what should i do

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


sebelum gua pergi ke negeri jaran ini....(jiran men mksdnya hehehe) gua merasa hidup gua udah fine2 aja...gua ngeliat hidup itu kayak hal yg udah biasa lah
nyantai ae lah....biasa itu yg aq jawab kalo ada yg tanya ttg suatu masalah q. tp skrg ternyata aq salah....hidup q skrg udah g bisa dianggap enteng lagi...

meski baru sektr 1 bln d malay tp aq uda belajar banyak ttg hidup...ttg betapa susahnya mencari uang, susahnya nyari makan, susahnya maw menghemat, susahnya cari temen yang bisa dibilang bener2 seseorang yg bisa diandalin dan bisa made my day so bright.

for example, baru beberapa minggu aq d sini, waktu aq sama temen q yg dtg bareng ketemu temen2 baru, dalam hitungan hari dia udah kayak meniggalkan aq......diajak ngomong cembeut lah ato g dianggep lah...kalo ngga maw gini salah maw gt salah, dianya malah nggoblok2kin aq.

sapa ah yg g mangkel kalo digtin, diperlakuin kayak babi....dan entah kenapa Tuhan serasa menyayangi dia banget, org yg bener2 mbuat ati q panas....jengkel g seh
apa seng aq ingin pasti dia punya, sedangkan aq untuk mendapat apa seng aq maw aq harus usaha bukan maen sampe kepala sakit, g makan, dll.....padahal dia g perlu berbuat banyak untuk dapetin itu.....

aq udah g taw mesti gmana lagi....maw bilang salah Tuhan jg g bisa...emang kalo aq ngeluh sama Tuhan kayak Tuhan bakal langsung jawab aja....maw nyalahin ex temen q eh kata orang katanya temen kok gt seh....biarin lah....

TRS AQ MESTI GMANA DONG?????.....katnya Tuhan bakal kasi jalan buat anak-Nya tp aq tdk merasa bahwa aq dikasi suatu jalan ataupun suatu cara untuk nyelesaiin semuanya......
ternyata hidup tuh susah bgt y....

Monday, September 7, 2009

ngatur uang emang susah boowww

sejak beberapa bulan uda mulai idup sendiri...tanpa ortu tanpa kakak tanpa pembokat
tp ntah kenapa rasae berat banget y....
kadang terasa banget kalo sebener e aq cuma lari dr kesepian ke teman2 aq
padahal kalo uda sampe d rumah rasae sepiiiii bgt...temen2 serumah jg udah pada senior maw ganggu jg g enak...tugas nya bejibun.....
nda cuma itu....yg paig kerasa tuh uang nya man.....kadang mbayangin kalo di rumah biasanya makan enak eh d sini seharian bisa2 cuma makan roti tawar tanpa mentega tanpa selai tanpa apapun...bener2 cuma roti
jd kepengen makan steak ama keluarga deh


well....the reason i made this blog was probably just to fill my spare time since i am right now living apart from my family....^^

another reason maybe is because before, i saw my sis' blog and i read her post....i was touched and maybe i can ease a little of my sadness....
u can say that this blog is like a tribute to firend and brother....died 9 years ago....i wish he was still alive...

Wheeeeee....My first post^^

hi2 this is my first post....from here i will begin to share my sadness, my happiness, and others larrr...
and i don't think that i will check this new blog regularly but still...enjoy