Friday, September 11, 2009

GF or just friend

just now, i saw my friend's blog....because he said to me
"just see it pls....then tell me what u think", pendek kata aq baca deh...

stlh aq baca ternyata itu tuh isine opoo kok dia bisa sampe putus sama pacar e
mereka putus katanya karena si cew nya tuh egois bgt...minta dijemput lah, minta dianterin lah
gt lah menurut yg gua baca....but somehow, i can feel what he felt that time....masio aq g pernah pacaran seh....
aq pertama e agak g percaya, aq, soale waktu aq pernah pergi bareng temen2 aq yg kebetulan ternyata ada si cew nya temen aq itu, aq ngerasa cew ini baek kok, malah aq isa bilang tipe aq bgt (bukan berarti aq maw ngerebut pacar temen aq seeeeeeh) tp ternyata kata temen aq dia berubah sejak mereka mulai, are all girls in the world like that. iding their true self just to get the attention from the boys??? or is it just her...

jujur sih waktu liat mereka berdua waktu masih cuma sekedar temen, aq seneng liat e....belum pernah aq liat hub pertemanan antara dua insan yg berbeda sebegitu dekat nya......but then she changed....kind a dissapointed sih.....sbab aq pernah sih suka ma dia walau tak lama sbab g lama dia jadian ama temen aq itu...

so right now, i'm confused because i am currently really want to approached a certain girl which have almost the same personality as my friend's exGF....kinda confused lah...what should i do


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